Become a CTC member


Membership benefits

As a CTC member, you:

  • get a 20% discount for two tickets for each of the main productions every season

  • can participate in shows (note: cast members, director, production manager and stage manager are required to be members)

  • can propose fringe events or theatre-related projects

  • have priority over non-members for participation in monthly events and Open Stage if numbers need to be restricted

  • receive our monthly newsletter

  • get discounted entry into theatre-related workshops and other activities organized by the CTC

  • will be invited to our members-only group on Facebook

  • get invited to members-only socials: our start of season party, end of season party and impromptu socials (Christmas party, trips to the theatre, etc.)

  • can vote and stand for elections to the CTC Committee at the AGM (if you are over 18 years of age)

  • get a warm and fuzzy feeling from supporting the oldest and most active English speaking theatre society in Denmark.

  • have access to the members’ website, which includes lots of extra goodies not available on the regular website.


Annual Theatre Membership

As of September 2024, all CTC memberships have been switched to a “rolling membership plan”, which means the membership starts from the month you purchase the membership and lasts for a full year.

  • Individual Membership: 350 kr.

  • Family membership: 600 kr.
    (2 adults & 2 children under 18)

  • Youth Membership: 175 kr.
    (25 years and younger)

If you have questions about CTC membership, please send us an email:

After purchasing a first time membership, visit the members website to register a new account. When renewing an existing account, you can log into your account.

How we use membership fees

Each of our three annual play productions is expected to cover its own costs through ticket sales. However, even when they do, we have additional fixed expenses connected to producing the plays, and administrative costs connected to keeping the society going. These expenses include rental of storage facilities for props, sets and costumes, fees for owning and running the website and costs for promoting and supporting the CTC’s free activities, such as Play Readings and Open Stage, as well as promoting the CTC in general. Your membership fee goes a long way towards covering these costs.

Insurance coverage

As a member of DATS (Dansk Amatør Teater Samvirke), the CTC benefits from their occupational injury insurance (arbejdsskadeforsikring). This covers, for example, medical treatment costs and loss of earnings, as well as compensation for permanent injury and, in the case of death, funeral costs and compensation to any dependents.

However, the insurance only covers paid-up and registered members of the CTC. It does not cover audience members or non-members asked to help out, for example, in running a stage production.

Also, members are only covered if they are injured while carrying out a task that they would not normally do. In other words, it is rather uncertain as to whether any given injury would be covered by this insurance.

We have investigated insurance of this kind specifically for the CTC and precisely the same conditions apply, so it would not be any advantage to take out and pay for our own insurance cover.

Given this situation, we urge all our members to check whether they have their own occupational injury insurance and, if not, to consider taking out such a policy. This is the best way we can think of to cover our membership should an accident occur in the course of CTC activities.

It would also be a good idea for members to consider taking out personal liability insurance to cover them should they be judged responsible for injury to someone else.