Open Stage
Join us at our bi-monthly Open Stage (Open Mic) events, where you provide the talent! Everyone is welcome to attend and perform – just be sure to sign up in advance.
Call for performers
A call to artists old and new: this is the space you have been looking for to try out your work in front of an energetic and supportive audience. Amateur theatre is for all, and Copenhagen wants to see what you’ve got!
Our Open Stage event welcomes performers of all genres: poets, storytellers, stand-up comedians, singers, dancers, clowns, musicians, magicians, and more.
How it works
If you wish to perform on our Open Stage, sign up in advance by contacting the Open Stage organisers at
In order to be added to the list, your e-mail MUST contain the following information:
Your contact e-mail
A brief description of your piece
Time desired (maximum 10 minutes)
You will be contacted again near the date of the performance to confirm your spot.
If you wish to come along and watch, just turn up – entry is free and there are drinks available to purchase.
Next event
See our Event Page and Follow us on our CTC Facebook page to receive the most recent event updates.