History of the CTC
Founded in 1968, the Copenhagen Theatre Circle is an amateur society dedicated to producing high-quality English-language theatre.
About the CTC
The main purpose of the CTC is to organise stage productions of a high standard in English. This we do each season with an autumn production, a traditional British pantomime during the Christmas/New Year period, a spring production, and an annual Fringe Festival.
Our other aim is to stimulate interest in the various aspects of the theatre and in the art of acting through the organisation of workshops and other relevant activities. This we do via our regular non-production meetups:
Monthly Open Stage events
Monthly Play Readings
Periodic social events
How the CTC operates
The CTC is constituted under Danish law as a forening and as such is required to have a constitution (see Statutes) and an elected committee to run it. The Annual General Meeting, which is the sovereign decision-making body comprising the membership of the CTC, takes place in June of each year and, among other things, elects the committee for the coming season. The current committee is presented here.
Get involved
Visit our membership page to learn more about becoming a member.
50th anniversary season
In 2019, the Copenhagen Theatre Circle celebrated its 50 year anniversary and published a new book and online digital archive to capture its history so far.
You can purchase a copy of the book for 150 kr by writing to info@ctcircle.dk