CTC proudly presents:

One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

22-27 October, 2024
Biblioteket på Rentemestervej

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

By Dale Wasserman
Based on the novel by Ken Kesey
Directed by Kristian Husted

Trailer and Graphics by Mariluan Yasmin Prieto Goldstein

After being convicted of a petty crime, a charming, rebellious rogue named McMurphy contrives to serve his short sentence in an airy mental institution rather than in a prison. This, he soon learns, was a mistake. He immediately clashes with the authoritarian head nurse, a fierce martinet named Nurse Ratched. Despite Ratched's strict reign, MacMurphy quickly takes over the yard, leading others out of introversion, staging a revolt so that they can see the World Series on television, and arranging a rollicking midnight party with liquor and women. But MacMurphy's brash insubordination has its consequences; Ratched ultimately triumphs by subjecting MacMurphy to a frontal lobotomy.

Cautions: PG-11, strong language and themes, moderate violence.

Show Dates:
22-27 October, 2024

Salen, Biblioteket på Rentemestervej
Rentemestervej 76, 2400 Copenhagan NV

Meet the Cast


Gabriel Ghita
(Chief Bromden)

Rudy Hidding
(Randle P. McMurphy)

Tomas Vellozo Echevarria

Flaviu-Nicolae Popescu

Tomasz Rymarczuk

Aaron Buckingham

Maya Husted
(Nurse Ratched)

Liyang Han
(Dr. Spivey)

Courtney Gray
(Nurse Flinn)

Danielle Judson
(Aide Williams)

Jakob Rasmussen
(Aide Warren)

Anant Visaria
(Aide Turkle)

Thea Hauggard
(Candy Starr)

Olga Makarova
(Aleksandra “Sandra” Romanov)

Tama Schreurs
(Billy Bibbit)

Wayne Crawford
(Dale Harding)

